If success is rare and slow, everybody knows how quick and easy ruin is.
 William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1847). copy citation

Author William Makepeace Thackeray
Source Vanity Fair
Topic disaster ruin suddenness
Date 1847
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/599/599-h/599-h.htm


“In the first place, her father's fortune was swept down with that fatal news. All his speculations had of late gone wrong with the luckless old gentleman. Ventures had failed; merchants had broken; funds had risen when he calculated they would fall. What need to particularize? If success is rare and slow, everybody knows how quick and easy ruin is. Old Sedley had kept his own sad counsel. Everything seemed to go on as usual in the quiet, opulent house; the good-natured mistress pursuing, quite unsuspiciously, her bustling idleness, and daily easy avocations; the daughter absorbed still in one selfish, tender thought, and quite regardless of all the world besides, when that final crash came, under which the worthy family fell.” source

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