Where there is energy to command well enough, obedience never fails.
 Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (16 October 1847). copy citation

Author Charlotte Brontë
Source Jane Eyre
Topic obedience energy commandment
Date 16 October 1847
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1260/1260-h/1260-h.htm


“John, who had followed, and would have detained me. It was my time to assume ascendency. My powers were in play and in force. I told him to forbear question or remark; I desired him to leave me: I must and would be alone. He obeyed at once. Where there is energy to command well enough, obedience never fails. I mounted to my chamber; locked myself in; fell on my knees; and prayed in my way—a different way to St. John's, but effective in its own fashion. I seemed to penetrate very near a Mighty Spirit; and my soul rushed out in gratitude at His feet.” source

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