a man can but do his best.
 Walter Scott, Ivanhoe (1820). copy citation

Author Walter Scott
Source Ivanhoe
Topic responsibility effort skills
Date 1820
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/82/82-h/82-h.htm


“Original «By the light of heaven!» said Prince John to Hubert, «an thou suffer that runagate knave to overcome thee, thou art worthy of the gallows!»
Hubert had but one set speech for all occasions. «An your highness were to hang me,» he said, «a man can but do his best. Nevertheless, my grandsire drew a good bow—»
«The foul fiend on thy grandsire and all his generation!» interrupted John, «shoot, knave, and shoot thy best, or it shall be the worse for thee!»” source

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