Jack London quote about life from White Fang - Life lived on life. There were the eaters and the eaten. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN.
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Life lived on life. There were the eaters and the eaten. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN.
 Jack London, White Fang (1906). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source White Fang
Topic life nature law eating
Date 1906
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/910/910-h/910-h.htm


“This portion was composed of the non-killers and the small killers. The other portion killed and ate his own kind, or was killed and eaten by his own kind. And out of this classification arose the law. The aim of life was meat. Life itself was meat. Life lived on life. There were the eaters and the eaten. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN. He did not formulate the law in clear, set terms and moralise about it. He did not even think the law; he merely lived the law without thinking about it at all.
He saw the law operating around him on every side.” source

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