Thus its life swings like a pendulum backwards and forwards between pain and ennui.
 Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation (1819). copy citation

Author Arthur Schopenhauer
Source The World as Will and Representation
Topic life boredom pain
Date 1819
Language English
Note Translated by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp


“If, on the other hand, it lacks objects of desire, because it is at once deprived of them by a too easy satisfaction, a terrible void and ennui comes over it, i.e., its being and existence itself becomes an unbearable burden to it. Thus its life swings like a pendulum backwards and forwards between pain and ennui. This has also had to express itself very oddly in this way; after man had transferred all pain and torments to hell, there then remained nothing over for heaven but ennui.
But the constant striving which constitutes the inner nature of every manifestation of will obtains its primary and most general foundation at the higher grades of objectification, from the fact that here the will manifests itself as a living body, with the iron command to nourish it; and what gives strength to this command is just that this body is nothing but the objectified will to live [pg 403] itself.” source

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