distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!
 Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1891). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Topic punishment power distrust impulse
Date 1891
Language English
Note Translated By Thomas Common
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1998/1998-h/1998-h.htm


“Their jealousy leadeth them also into thinkers' paths; and this is the sign of their jealousy—they always go too far: so that their fatigue hath at last to go to sleep on the snow.
In all their lamentations soundeth vengeance, in all their eulogies is maleficence; and being judge seemeth to them bliss.
But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!
They are people of bad race and lineage; out of their countenances peer the hangman and the sleuth-hound.
Distrust all those who talk much of their justice! Verily, in their souls not only honey is lacking.” source

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