Karl Marx quote about religion from Das Kapital - As, in religion, man is governed by the products of his own brain, so in capitalistic production, he is governed by the products of his own hand.
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As, in religion, man is governed by the products of his own brain, so in capitalistic production, he is governed by the products of his own hand.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1867). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic religion exploitation capitalism product
Date 1867
Language English
Note Translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling
Weblink https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-...


“It cannot be otherwise in a mode of production in which the labourer exists to satisfy the needs of self-expansion of existing values, instead of, on the contrary, material wealth existing to satisfy the needs of development on the part of the labourer. As, in religion, man is governed by the products of his own brain, so in capitalistic production, he is governed by the products of his own hand.10
Section 2: Relative Diminution of the Variable Part of Capital Simultaneously with the Progress of Accumulation and of the Concentration that Accompanies it According to the economists themselves, it is neither the actual extent of social wealth, nor the magnitude of the capital already functioning, that lead to a rise of wages, but only the constant growth of accumulation and the degree of rapidity of that growth.” source

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