Blaise Pascal quote about words from Pensées - Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
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Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
 Blaise Pascal, Pensées (1670). copy citation

Author Blaise Pascal
Source Pensées
Topic words meaning arrangement
Date 1670
Language English
Note Translated by W. F. Trotter


“I had as soon it said that I used words employed before. And in the same way if the same thoughts in a different arrangement do not form a different discourse, no more do the same words in their different arrangement form different thoughts!
23 Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects. 24 Language.—We should not turn the mind from one thing to another, except for relaxation, and that when it is necessary[Pg 8] and the time suitable, and not otherwise. For he that relaxes out of season wearies, and he who wearies us out of season makes us languid, since we turn quite away.” source
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