Hermann Hesse quote about writing from Siddhartha - Writing is good, thinking is better.
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Writing is good, thinking is better.
 Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha (1922). copy citation

Author Hermann Hesse
Source Siddhartha
Topic writing thinking
Date 1922
Language English
Note Translated by Gunther Olesch, Anke Dreher, Amy Coulter, Stefan Langer and Semyon Chaichenets
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2500/2500-h/2500-h.htm


“Siddhartha looked at the scroll, on which a sales-contract had been written down, and began to read out its contents.
"Excellent," said Kamaswami. "And would you write something for me on this piece of paper?"
He handed him a piece of paper and a pen, and Siddhartha wrote and returned the paper.
Kamaswami read: "Writing is good, thinking is better. Being smart is good, being patient is better."
"It is excellent how you're able to write," the merchant praised him. "Many a thing we will still have to discuss with one another. For today, I'm asking you to be my guest and to live in this house."” source

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