Jane Austen quote about happiness from Pride and Prejudice - I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.
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I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.
 Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (28 January 1813). copy citation

Author Jane Austen
Source Pride and Prejudice
Topic happiness action connection
Date 28 January 1813
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-h/1342-h.htm


“Do you not consider that a connection with you must disgrace him in the eyes of everybody?"
"Lady Catherine, I have nothing further to say. You know my sentiments."
"You are then resolved to have him?"
"I have said no such thing. I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me."
"It is well. You refuse, then, to oblige me. You refuse to obey the claims of duty, honour, and gratitude. You are determined to ruin him in the opinion of all his friends, and make him the contempt of the world."” source

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