I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you, and so following; but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you.
 William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (1600). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source The Merchant of Venice
Topic friendship business
Date 1600
Language English
Note Written between 1596 and 1599
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2243/pg2243-images.html


“Be assured you may
Iew. I will be assured I may: and that I may be assured,
I will bethinke mee, may I speake with Anthonio? Bass. If it please you to dine with vs
Iew. Yes, to smell porke, to eate of the habitation which your Prophet the Nazarite coniured the diuell into: I will buy with you, sell with you, talke with you, walke with you, and so following: but I will not eate with you, drinke with you, nor pray with you. What newes on the Ryalta, who is he comes here? Enter Anthonio.
Bass. This is signior Anthonio
Iew. How like a fawning publican he lookes.
I hate him for he is a Christian:” source

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