Don't try to make me grow up before my time, Meg.
 Louisa May Alcott, Little Women (1868). copy citation

Author Louisa May Alcott
Source Little Women
Topic maturity girl
Date 1868
Language English


“When will you stop such romping ways?" said Meg reprovingly, as she settled her cuffs and smoothed her hair, with which the wind had taken liberties.
"Never till I'm stiff and old and have to use a crutch. Don't try to make me grow up before my time, Meg. It's hard enough to have you change all of a sudden. Let me be a little girl as long as I can."
As she spoke, Jo bent over the leaves to hide the trembling of her lips, for lately she had felt that Margaret was fast getting to be a woman, and Laurie's secret made her dread the separation which must surely come some time and now seemed very near.” source

Meaning and analysis

useful useless
write a note