Is not life a hundred times too short for us—to bore ourselves?
 Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (1886). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source Beyond Good and Evil
Topic life time boredom
Date 1886
Language English
Note Translated by Helen Zimmern


“Every virtue inclines to stupidity, every stupidity to virtue; "stupid to the point of sanctity," they say in Russia,—let us be careful lest out of pure honesty we eventually become saints and bores! Is not life a hundred times too short for us—to bore ourselves? One would have to believe in eternal life in order to…
228. I hope to be forgiven for discovering that all moral philosophy hitherto has been tedious and has belonged to the soporific appliances—and that "virtue," in my opinion, has been MORE injured by the TEDIOUSNESS of its advocates than by anything else; at the same time, however, I would not wish to overlook their general usefulness.” source

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