Nothing is more disagreeable than a man's over-weaning conceit of himself
 David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1738). copy citation

Author David Hume
Source A Treatise of Human Nature
Topic conceit
Date 1738
Language English


“In like manner, therefore, as we establish the laws of nature, in order to secure property in society, and prevent the opposition of self-interest; we establish the rules of good-breeding, in order to prevent the opposition of men's pride, and render conversation agreeable and inoffensive. Nothing is more disagreeable than a man's over-weaning conceit of himself: Every one almost has a strong propensity to this vice: No one can well distinguish in himself betwixt the vice and virtue, or be certain, that his esteem of his own merit is well-founded: For these reasons, all direct expressions of this passion are condemned;” source