nothing is more tiresome than a man who quotes himself for everything.
 François de La Rochefoucauld, Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims (1665). copy citation

Author François de La Rochefoucauld
Source Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims
Date 1665
Language English
Note Translated by J. W. Willis Bund


“After having in this way fulfilled the duties of politeness, we can speak our opinions to our listeners when we find an opportunity without a sign of presumption or opinionatedness. Above all things we should avoid often talking of ourselves and giving ourselves as an example; nothing is more tiresome than a man who quotes himself for everything. We cannot give too great study to find out the manner and the capacity of those with whom we talk, so as to join in the conversation of those who have more than ourselves without hurting by this preference the wishes or interests of others.” source