Woman is the intellectual helpmeet of man in public as in private life.
 Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance (1893). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source A Woman of No Importance
Topic women life
Date 1893
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/854/854-h/854-h.htm


“Without it we would become like our neighbours. Lady Stutfield. That would be so, so sad, would it not? Kelvil. I am afraid, too, that Lord Illingworth regards woman simply as a toy. Now, I have never regarded woman as a toy. Woman is the intellectual helpmeet of man in public as in private life. Without her we should forget the true ideals. [Sits down beside Lady Stutfield.] Lady Stutfield. I am so very, very glad to hear you say that. Lady Caroline. You a married man, Mr. Kettle? Sir John.” source