A man must have courage to look at his life so, and think what'll come of it after he's dead and gone. A good solid bit o' work lasts: if it's only laying a floor down, somebody's the better for it being done well, besides the man as does it.
 George Eliot, Adam Bede (1859). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Adam Bede
Topic courage work
Date 1859
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/507/507-h/507-h.htm


“we must learn to see the good in the midst of much that is unlovely.” “Ah,” said Adam, “I like to read about Moses best, in th' Old Testament. He carried a hard business well through, and died when other folks were going to reap the fruits. A man must have courage to look at his life so, and think what'll come of it after he's dead and gone. A good solid bit o' work lasts: if it's only laying a floor down, somebody's the better for it being done well, besides the man as does it.” They were both glad to talk of subjects that were not personal, and in this way they went on till they passed the bridge across the Willow Brook, when Adam turned round and said, “Ah, here's Seth.” source