Despair no more leans on others than perfect contentment, and in despair pride ceases to be counteracted by the sense of dependence.
 George Eliot, Adam Bede (1859). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Adam Bede
Topic contentment pride
Date 1859
Language English


“to them with the same quiet, resolute air she had worn all the morning, mounting the coach that was to take her twenty miles back along the way she had come. There is a strength of self-possession which is the sign that the last hope has departed. Despair no more leans on others than perfect contentment, and in despair pride ceases to be counteracted by the sense of dependence. Hetty felt that no one could deliver her from the evils that would make life hateful to her; and no one, she said to herself, should ever know her misery and humiliation. No; she would not confess even to Dinah.” source