I don’t know that women are always rewarded for being charming.
 Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband (1895). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source An Ideal Husband
Topic reward women
Date 1895
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/885/885-h/885-h.htm


“Cheveley? mrs. cheveley. My prizes came a little later on in life. I don’t think any of them were for good conduct. I forget! sir robert chiltern. I am sure they were for something charming! mrs. cheveley. I don’t know that women are always rewarded for being charming. I think they are usually punished for it! Certainly, more women grow old nowadays through the faithfulness of their admirers than through anything else! At least that is the only way I can account for the terribly haggard look of most of your pretty women in London!” source