The things every new generation has to fight, and which it can least overcome, are the burdens of the past, which holds us all as in a net.
 Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (1910). copy citation

Author Emma Goldman
Source Anarchism and Other Essays
Topic past burden
Date 1910
Language English


“"Why do you not say how things will be operated under Anarchism?" is a question I have had to meet thousands of times. Because I believe that Anarchism can not consistently impose an iron-clad program or method on the future. The things every new generation has to fight, and which it can least overcome, are the burdens of the past, which holds us all as in a net. Anarchism, at least as I understand it, leaves posterity free to develop its own particular systems, in harmony with its needs. Our most vivid imagination can not foresee the potentialities of a race set free from external restraints.” source