for you men, who are free and make your own choice, it’s always clear whom you love.
 Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (1877). copy citation

Author Leo Tolstoy
Source Anna Karenina
Topic choice love
Date 1877
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett


““if I did not know you, as I do know you....” The feeling that had seemed dead revived more and more, rose up and took possession of Levin’s heart. “Yes, I understand it all now,” said Darya Alexandrovna. “You can’t understand it; for you men, who are free and make your own choice, it’s always clear whom you love. But a girl’s in a position of suspense, with all a woman’s or maiden’s modesty, a girl who sees you men from afar, who takes everything on trust,—a girl may have, and often has, such a feeling that she cannot tell what to say.”” source