If there's one thing makes me more angry than another, it is the way you humans judge things by their size.
 George MacDonald, At the Back of the North Wind (1871). copy citation

Author George MacDonald
Source At the Back of the North Wind
Topic size
Date 1871
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/225/225-h/225-h.htm


“She was just about the height a dragon-fly would be, if it stood on end. “You darling!” said Diamond, seeing what a lovely little toy-woman she was. “Don't be impertinent, Master Diamond,” said North Wind. “If there's one thing makes me more angry than another, it is the way you humans judge things by their size. I am quite as respectable now as I shall be six hours after this, when I take an East Indiaman by the royals, twist her round, and push her under. You have no right to address me in such a fashion.”” source