A poet is a man who is glad of something, and tries to make other people glad of it too.
 George MacDonald, At the Back of the North Wind (1871). copy citation

Author George MacDonald
Source At the Back of the North Wind
Topic poet
Date 1871
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/225/225-h/225-h.htm


“But I have no business to talk so much. The man is a poet.” “The boat is a boat,” said Diamond. “Can't you spell?” asked North Wind. “Not very well.” “So I see. A poet is not a bo-at, as you call it. A poet is a man who is glad of something, and tries to make other people glad of it too.” “Ah! now I know. Like the man in the sweety-shop.” “Not very. But I see it is no use. I wasn't sent to tell you, and so I can't tell you. I must be off. Only first just look at the man.” “He's not much of a rower”” source