every man ought to be a gentleman, and your father is one.
 George MacDonald, At the Back of the North Wind (1871). copy citation

Author George MacDonald
Source At the Back of the North Wind
Topic father gentleman
Date 1871
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/225/225-h/225-h.htm


““I'm going to be a coachman, and a coachman is not a gentleman,” persisted Diamond. “We call your father a gentleman in our house,” said North Wind. “He doesn't call himself one,” said Diamond. “That's of no consequence: every man ought to be a gentleman, and your father is one.” Diamond was so pleased to hear this that he scratched at the paper like ten mice, and getting hold of the edge of it, tore it off. The next instant a young girl glided across the bed, and stood upon the floor.” source