There is not a better man in the world than your father, and yet he got into trouble.
 George Eliot, Middlemarch (1872). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Middlemarch
Topic trouble father
Date 1872
Language English


““I know that people who spend a great deal of money on themselves without knowing how they shall pay, must be selfish. They are always thinking of what they can get for themselves, and not of what other people may lose.” “Any man may be unfortunate, Mary, and find himself unable to pay when he meant it. There is not a better man in the world than your father, and yet he got into trouble.” “How dare you make any comparison between my father and you, Fred?” said Mary, in a deep tone of indignation. “He never got into trouble by thinking of his own idle pleasures, but because he was always thinking of the work he was doing for other people.” source