A man is seldom ashamed of feeling that he cannot love a woman so well when he sees a certain greatness in her: nature having intended greatness for men.
 George Eliot, Middlemarch (1872). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Middlemarch
Topic greatness love
Date 1872
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/145/145-h/145-h.htm


“I think we have no right to come forward and urge wider changes for good, until we have tried to alter the evils which lie under our own hands. ” For the moment, Will’s admiration was accompanied with a chilling sense of remoteness. A man is seldom ashamed of feeling that he cannot love a woman so well when he sees a certain greatness in her: nature having intended greatness for men. But nature has sometimes made sad oversights in carrying out her intention; as in the case of good Mr. Brooke, whose masculine consciousness was at this moment in rather a stammering condition under the eloquence of his niece.” source