for Misery can never get such a hold of a baby as of a grown person.
 George MacDonald, At the Back of the North Wind (1871). copy citation

Author George MacDonald
Source At the Back of the North Wind
Topic misery baby
Date 1871
Language English


“The little boy was just as much one of God's messengers as if he had been an angel with a flaming sword, going out to fight the devil. The devil he had to fight just then was Misery. And the way he fought him was the very best. Like a wise soldier, he attacked him first in his weakest point—that was the baby; for Misery can never get such a hold of a baby as of a grown person. Diamond was knowing in babies, and he knew he could do something to make the baby, happy; for although he had only known one baby as yet, and although not one baby is the same as another, yet they are so very much alike in some things, and he knew that one baby so thoroughly, that he had good reason to believe he could do something for any other.” source