If we revenge ourselves on any one who injures us we do wrong, and are punished for it
 Guy de Maupassant, Boule de Suif (1880). copy citation

Author Guy de Maupassant
Source Boule de Suif
Topic revenge wrong
Date 1880
Language English
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Boule_de_Suif


“When there are people who make discoveries that are of use to people, why should others take so much trouble to do harm? Really, now, isn't it a terrible thing to kill people, whether they are Prussians, or English, or Poles, or French? If we revenge ourselves on any one who injures us we do wrong, and are punished for it; but when our sons are shot down like partridges, that is all right, and decorations are given to the man who kills the most. No, indeed, I shall never be able to understand it." Cornudet raised his voice:” source