When work happens to be lacking, it is because there are too many products
 Gustave Flaubert, Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Bouvard et Pécuchet
Topic work
Date 1881
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/25014/25014-h/25014-h.htm


“said Bouvard. "In the rich people's houses. Besides, the government will give orders for public works." "And if works are not wanted?" "They will have them made in advance." "But wages will fall," urged Pécuchet. "When work happens to be lacking, it is because there are too many products; and you demand to have them increased!" Gorju bit his moustache. "However, with the organisation of labour——" "Then the government will be the master!" Some of those around murmured: "No, no! no more masters!"” source