Jack London quote about writing from Martin Eden - Too much is written by the men who can't write about the men who do write
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Too much is written by the men who can't write about the men who do write
 Jack London, Martin Eden (1909). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source Martin Eden
Topic writing
Date 1909
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1056/1056-h/1056-h.htm


“I wouldn't trade places with him if he had fifty years of life before him. And yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots. And the reviews he gets! Damn them, all of them, the crass manikins!»
«Too much is written by the men who can't write about the men who do write,» Martin concurred. «Why, I was appalled at the quantities of rubbish written about Stevenson and his work.»
«Ghouls and harpies!» Brissenden snapped out with clicking teeth. «Yes, I know the spawn—complacently pecking at him for his Father Damien letter, analyzing him, weighing him—»” source

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