Quote of the day
Charlie Chaplin quotes
“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“We think too much and feel too little.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I am at peace with God, my conflict is with man.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I believe that faith is a precursor of all our ideas. Without faith, there never could have evolved hypothesis, theory, science or mathematics. I believe that faith is an extension of the mind. It is the key that negates the impossible. To deny...”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I wanted to know, not for the love of knowledge but as a defence against the world's contempt for the ignorant.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“there are more valid facts and details in works of art than there are in history books.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I neither believe nor disbelieve in anything. That which can be imagined is as much an approximation to truth as that which can be proved by mathematics.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I am what I am: an individual, unique and different, with a lineal history of ancestral promptings and urgings; a history of dreams, desires, and of special experiences, of all of which I am the sum total.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“Persistence is the road to accomplishment.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“Life could be wonderful if people'd leave you alone.”
Charlie Chaplin
The Great Dictator
“‘What is your conception of beauty?’ I said I thought it was an omnipresence of death and loveliness, a smiling sadness that we discern in nature and all things, a mystic communion that the poet feels – an expression of it can be a dustbin...”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“All children in some form or another have genius; the trick is to bring it out in them.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“However, procreation is nature’s principal occupation, and every man, whether he be young or old, when meeting every woman measures the potentiality of sex between them.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“You know this fellow is many-sided, a tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“Despair is a narcotic. It lulls the mind into indifference.”
Charlie Chaplin
Monsieur Verdoux
“All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I wanted everything a contradiction: the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small and the shoes large.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“In the creation of comedy, it is paradoxical that tragedy stimulates the spirit of ridicule; because ridicule, I suppose, is an attitude of defiance: we must laugh in the face of our helplessness against the forces of nature – or go insane.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“To help a friend in need is easy, but to give him your time is not always opportune.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“Friends have asked how I came to engender this American antagonism. My prodigious sin was, and still is, being a nonconformist. Although I am not a Communist I refused to fall in line by hating them.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“Hair is vitally personal to children. They weep vigorously when it is cut for the first time; no matter how it grows, bushy, straight or curly, they feel they are being shorn of a part of their personality.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“I had no idea of the character. But the moment I was dressed, the clothes and the make-up made me feel the person he was. I began to know him, and by the time I walked on to the stage he was fully born.”
Charlie Chaplin
My Autobiography
“That's one of the ironies of life, doing the wrong thing at the right moment. Or shall we say, the right thing at the wrong moment.”
Charlie Chaplin
Monsieur Verdoux
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My Autobiography
Monsieur Verdoux
The Great Dictator
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