In nature every moment is new; the past is always swallowed and forgotten
 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Circles (1841). copy citation

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source Circles
Topic past forgetting
Date 1841
Language English
Reference in "Essays: First Series"


“Let them, then, become organs of the Holy Ghost; let them be lovers; let them behold truth; and their eyes are uplifted, their wrinkles smoothed, they are perfumed again with hope and power. This old age ought not to creep on a human mind. In nature every moment is new; the past is always swallowed and forgotten; the coming only is sacred. Nothing is secure but life, transition, the energizing spirit. No love can be bound by oath or covenant to secure it against a higher love. No truth so sublime but it may be trivial to-morrow in the light of new thoughts.” source