Nature has formed nothing that does not consume itself, and every object near it
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774). copy citation

Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Source The Sorrows of Young Werther
Date 1774
Language English
Note Translated by R. D. Boylan


“it is not the great and rare calamities of the world, the floods which sweep away whole villages, the earthquakes which swallow up our towns, that affect me. My heart is wasted by the thought of that destructive power which lies concealed in every part of universal nature. Nature has formed nothing that does not consume itself, and every object near it: so that, surrounded by earth and air, and all the active powers, I wander on my way with aching heart; and the universe is to me a fearful monster, for ever devouring its own offspring. AUGUST 21.” source