We despise the grace of God when we observe the Law for the purpose of being justified.
 Martin Luther, Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
Topic God purpose
Date 1535
Language English
Note Translated by Theodore Graebner
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1549/1549-h/1549-h.htm


“By this abominable doctrine Antichrist has spoiled, darkened, and buried the benefit of Christ, and in place of the grace of Christ and His Kingdom, he has established the doctrine of works and the kingdom of ceremonies. We despise the grace of God when we observe the Law for the purpose of being justified. The Law is good, holy, and profitable, but it does not justify. To keep the Law in order to be justified means to reject grace, to deny Christ, to despise His sacrifice, and to be lost. VERSE 21.” source