Who would be praised of men when Thou blamest, will not be defended of men when Thou judgest
 Saint Augustine, Confessions (401). copy citation

Author Saint Augustine
Source Confessions
Topic praise
Date 401
Language English
Note Translated by E. B. Pusey
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3296/3296-h/3296-h.htm


“who purposed to set his throne in the north, that dark and chilled they might serve him, pervertedly and crookedly imitating Thee. But we, O Lord, behold we are Thy little flock; possess us as Thine, stretch Thy wings over us, and let us fly under them. Be Thou our glory; let us be loved for Thee, and Thy word feared in us. Who would be praised of men when Thou blamest, will not be defended of men when Thou judgest; nor delivered when Thou condemnest. But when- not the sinner is praised in the desires of his soul, nor he blessed who doth ungodlily, but- a man is praised for some gift which Thou hast given him, and he rejoices more at the praise for himself than that he hath the gift for which he is praised, he also is praised, while Thou dispraisest;” source