Rare is the soul, which while it speaks of It, knows what it speaks of.
 Saint Augustine, Confessions (401). copy citation

Author Saint Augustine
Source Confessions
Topic soul
Date 401
Language English
Note Translated by E. B. Pusey
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3296/3296-h/3296-h.htm


“let him ask of Thee. Why should he trouble me, as if I could enlighten any man that cometh into this world? Which of us comprehendeth the Almighty Trinity? and yet which speaks not of It, if indeed it be It? Rare is the soul, which while it speaks of It, knows what it speaks of. And they contend and strive, yet, without peace, no man sees that vision. I would that men would consider these three, that are in themselves. These three be indeed far other than the Trinity: I do but tell, where they may practise themselves, and there prove and feel how far they be.” source