Money is the perpetual source of uneasiness; I fear it more than I love good wine.
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions (1782). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Confessions
Topic money fear
Date 1782
Language English
Note Translated by Samuel William Orson


“Not at my wine merchant's --he will poison me to a certainty. I wish to be universally respected; how shall I compass my design? I must make friends, send messages, write letters, come, go, wait, and be frequently deceived. Money is the perpetual source of uneasiness; I fear it more than I love good wine. A thousand times, both during and since my apprenticeship, have I gone out to purchase some nicety, I approach the pastry-cook's, perceive some women at the counter, and imagine they are laughing at me.” source