When everything smiles around me, I am least amused; my heart cannot confine itself to realities, cannot embellish, but must create.
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions (1782). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Confessions
Topic reality heart
Date 1782
Language English
Note Translated by Samuel William Orson
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Confessions_(Rousseau)


“for I cannot give that name to those excursions I have frequently taken about my own neighborhood, while I lived at Motiers. It is very singular that my imagination never rises so high as when my situation is least agreeable or cheerful. When everything smiles around me, I am least amused; my heart cannot confine itself to realities, cannot embellish, but must create. Real objects strike me as they really are, my imagination can only decorate ideal ones. If I would paint the spring, it must be in winter; if describe a beautiful landscape, it must be while surrounded with walls;” source