to love one's neighbour means to like to practise all duties towards him.
 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason (1788). copy citation

Author Immanuel Kant
Source Critique of Practical Reason
Topic duty love
Date 1788
Language English
Note Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott


“The same affection towards men is possible no doubt, but cannot be commanded, for it is not in the power of any man to love anyone at command; therefore it is only practical love that is meant in that pith of all laws. To love God means, in this sense, to like to do His commandments; to love one's neighbour means to like to practise all duties towards him. But the command that makes this a rule cannot command us to have this disposition in actions conformed to duty, but only to endeavour after it. For a command to like to do a thing is in itself contradictory, because if we already know of ourselves what we are bound to do, and if further we are conscious of liking to do it, a command would be quite needless;” source