It is a very beautiful thing to do good to men from love to them and from sympathetic good will, or to be just from love of order
 Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason (1788). copy citation

Author Immanuel Kant
Source Critique of Practical Reason
Topic love good
Date 1788
Language English
Note Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott


“No other subjective principle must be assumed as a motive, else while the action might chance to be such as the law prescribes, yet, as does not proceed from duty, the intention, which is the thing properly in question in this legislation, is not moral. It is a very beautiful thing to do good to men from love to them and from sympathetic good will, or to be just from love of order; but this is not yet the true moral maxim of our conduct which is suitable to our position amongst rational beings as men, when we pretend with fanciful pride to set ourselves above the thought of duty, like volunteers, and, as if we were independent on the command, to want to do of our own good pleasure what we think we need no command to do.” source