Money-capital is nothing but a sum of money, or the value of a certain quantity of commodities fixed in a sum of money.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1894). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic money value
Date 1894
Language English


“Interest, signifying the price of capital, is from the outset quite an irrational expression. The commodity in question has a double value, first a value, and then a price different from this value, while price represents the expression of value in money. Money-capital is nothing but a sum of money, or the value of a certain quantity of commodities fixed in a sum of money. If a commodity is loaned out as capital, it is only a disguised form of a sum of money. Because what is loaned out as capital is not so and so many pounds of cotton, but so much and so much money existing in the form of cotton as its value.” source