What the buyer of an ordinary commodity buys is its use-value; what he pays for is its value.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1894). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic value buyer
Date 1894
Language English
Weblink https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-...


“What, now, does the industrial capitalist pay, and what is, therefore, the price of the loaned capital? "That which men pay as interest for the use of what they borrow" is, according to Massie, "a part of the profit it is capable of producing," 1. c., p. 49. [5] What the buyer of an ordinary commodity buys is its use-value; what he pays for is its value. What the borrower of money buys is likewise its use-value as capital; but what does he pay for? Surely not its price, or value, as in the case of ordinary commodities. No change of form occurs in the value passing between borrower and lender, as occurs between buyer and seller when it exists in one instance in the form of money, and in another in the form of a commodity.” source