To the artist, expression is the only mode under which he can conceive life at all. To him what is dumb is dead.
 Oscar Wilde, De Profundis (1905). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source De Profundis
Topic expression life
Date 1905
Language English


“In words or in colours, in music or in marble, behind the painted masks of an Æschylean play, or through some Sicilian shepherds’ pierced and jointed reeds, the man and his message must have been revealed. To the artist, expression is the only mode under which he can conceive life at all. To him what is dumb is dead. But to Christ it was not so. With a width and wonder of imagination that fills one almost with awe, he took the entire world of the inarticulate, the voiceless world of pain, as his kingdom, and made of himself its eternal mouthpiece.” source