The poor are wise, more charitable, more kind, more sensitive than we are.
 Oscar Wilde, De Profundis (1905). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source De Profundis
Topic sensitive
Date 1905
Language English


“When people are able to understand, not merely how beautiful ---’s action was, but why it meant so much to me, and always will mean so much, then, perhaps, they will realise how and in what spirit they should approach me. . . . The poor are wise, more charitable, more kind, more sensitive than we are. In their eyes prison is a tragedy in a man’s life, a misfortune, a casuality, something that calls for sympathy in others. They speak of one who is in prison as of one who is ‘in trouble’ simply. It is the phrase they always use, and the expression has the perfect wisdom of love in it.” source