The social interest, identical in its deepest meaning with a moral interest, is necessarily supreme with man.
 John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916). copy citation

Author John Dewey
Source Democracy and Education
Topic interest moral
Date 1916
Language English


“The important thing is that the fact be grasped in its social connections—its function in life. On the other hand, "humanism" means at bottom being imbued with an intelligent sense of human interests. The social interest, identical in its deepest meaning with a moral interest, is necessarily supreme with man. Knowledge about man, information as to his past, familiarity with his documented records of literature, may be as technical a possession as the accumulation of physical details. Men may keep busy in a variety of ways, making money, acquiring facility in laboratory manipulation, or in amassing a store of facts about linguistic matters, or the chronology of literary productions.” source