Those who cultivate the sciences amongst a democratic people are always afraid of losing their way in visionary speculation.
 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1840). copy citation

Author Alexis de Tocqueville
Source Democracy in America
Topic speculation science
Date 1840
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Reeve


“it gives him, in all things, a taste for the tangible and the real, a contempt for tradition and for forms. These general tendencies are principally discernible in the peculiar subject of this chapter. Those who cultivate the sciences amongst a democratic people are always afraid of losing their way in visionary speculation. They mistrust systems; they adhere closely to facts and the study of facts with their own senses. As they do not easily defer to the mere name of any fellow-man, they are never inclined to rest upon any man's authority;” source