When social conditions are nearly equal, men are constantly changing their situations in life
 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1840). copy citation

Author Alexis de Tocqueville
Source Democracy in America
Topic change life
Date 1840
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Reeve
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/816/816-h/816-h.htm


“they are all retiring from our sight, and disappearing in the obscurity of the past, together with the social condition to which they owed their origin. Equality of conditions turns servants and masters into new beings, and places them in new relative positions. When social conditions are nearly equal, men are constantly changing their situations in life: there is still a class of menials and a class of masters, but these classes are not always composed of the same individuals, still less of the same families; and those who command are not more secure of perpetuity than those who obey.” source