The quality of all in lovers Most esteemed is constancy
 Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote (1605). copy citation

Author Miguel de Cervantes
Source Don Quixote
Topic constancy quality
Date 1605
Language English
Note Translated by John Ormsby


“Painting that is laid on painting Maketh no display or show; Where one beauty's in possession There no other can take hold. Dulcinea del Toboso Painted on my heart I wear; Never from its tablets, never, Can her image be eras'd. The quality of all in lovers Most esteemed is constancy; 'T is by this that love works wonders, This exalts them to the skies. Don Quixote had got so far with his song, to which the duke, the duchess, Altisidora, and nearly the whole household of the castle were listening, when all of a sudden from a gallery above that was exactly over his window they let down a cord with more than a hundred bells attached to it, and immediately after that discharged a great sack full of cats, which also had bells of smaller size tied to their tails.” source