When we are sick of worldly pleasures we do not return to the pleasures of the home.
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or On Education (1762). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Emile, or On Education
Topic pleasure home
Date 1762
Language English
Note Translated by Barbara Foxley
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/5427/pg5427-images.html


“In the cheerful home life the mother finds her sweetest duties and the father his pleasantest recreation. Thus the cure of this one evil would work a wide-spread reformation; nature would regain her rights. When women become good mothers, men will be good husbands and fathers. My words are vain! When we are sick of worldly pleasures we do not return to the pleasures of the home. Women have ceased to be mothers, they do not and will not return to their duty. Could they do it if they would? The contrary custom is firmly established; each would have to overcome the opposition of her neighbours, leagued together against the example which some have never given and others do not desire to follow.” source