Quote of the day
Emile, or On Education quotes
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Once you teach people to say what they do not understand, it is easy enough to get them to say anything you like.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“I hate books; they only teach us to talk about things we know nothing about.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Society must be studied in the individual and the individual in society; those who desire to treat politics and morals apart from one another will never understand either.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Let him not be taught science, let him discover it. If ever you substitute authority for reason he will cease to reason; he will be a mere plaything of other people's thoughts.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Every one desires happiness, but to secure it he must know what happiness is.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“A feeble body makes a feeble mind.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“agriculture is the earliest, the most honest of trades, and more useful than all the rest, and therefore more honourable for those who practise it.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Civilised man is born and dies a slave. The infant is bound up in swaddling clothes, the corpse is nailed down in his coffin. All his life long man is imprisoned by our institutions.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“We are born weak, we need strength; helpless, we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man's estate, is the gift of education.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“A child who passes through many hands in turn, can never be well brought up.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“freedom, not power, is the greatest good. That man is truly free who desires what he is able to perform, and does what he desires.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Children sometimes flatter old men; they never love them.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Provided a man is not mad, he can be cured of any folly but vanity; there is no cure for this but experience, if indeed there is any cure for it at all”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“There are two kinds of dependence: dependence on things, which is the work of nature; and dependence on men, which is the work of society.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Society is so general and so mixed there is no place left for retirement, and even in the home we live in public.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“to control the child one must often control oneself.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“rich or poor, weak or strong, every idler is a thief.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Among the many short cuts to science, we badly need some one to teach us the art of learning with difficulty.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“supreme joy is a hundredfold greater in anticipation than in possession; its savour is greater while we wait for it than when it is ours.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Reading, solitude, idleness, a soft and sedentary life, intercourse with women and young people, these are perilous paths for a young man, and these lead him constantly into danger.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Blushes are the sign of guilt; true innocence is ashamed of nothing.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“We say Love is blind because his eyes are better than ours, and he perceives relations which we cannot discern.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
“Form no judgments and you will never be mistaken.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emile, or On Education
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